Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Introducing our newest Grandie...

Marceline Joan Moore has arrived!!  Kea and Richard welcomed their beautiful little daughter into the world on Monday 6th January 2015.  Naturally, she is the most beautiful baby girl in the whole world.  The most amazing thing is that Marcy arrived on her due date.  How great is that.  I remember Kea telling me about the statistics for that to happen and they are well under 10% of all babies that arrive when they are supposed to.
Isn't she just gorgeous!  I will admit to being totally biased of course (vbg).
Kea is hoping to come home today and I am going to head down to Wellington to be on hand for helping duties until Kea's Mum arrives on Saturday.  How blessed am I to be able to get to see little Marcy so soon.
My gosh, all other news seems quite staid now.

In the bid to get on top of the UFO pile, I thinking of adopting the same process that Lyn uses at "What a Hoot" blog - here is the link to A Way to Reduce WIPs .  Lyn has managed to finish a large number of her projects and this could be a good way for me to achieve the same.  It really has been one of the worst things about having to condense my studio - I have seen all that is unfinished!  Now I am really keen to change that.  Last year's little list didn't do so well, so maybe this system would work better.  No harm in trying is there.
The thought is there anyway, but my list will not be started until at least next week, so not even going to try and call it a New Year's Resolution.  I think I will try calling it my .... "Come on Clare, Complete It" project.
Doesn't that sound so impressive?
Here is a pic of one to complete that only needs the outside border and then it can move into the other list... "Come on Clare, Quilt It."  He he he.  Darn, it need two lists.

This is my "Pretties" scrap quilt and I only need the outer border put on and it can change lists.
Of to get organised for my trip now.

Catch you again soon.  Take care and drive safely.



  1. What a beautiful baby! And I am not biased. :) I too need a system for finishing some projects - I'll check out that link. Your scrap quilt is lovely.

  2. Congratulations! What a pretty pretty girl!

  3. Oh! Congratulations!! What a beautiful new little person. :D I love the names for your two planned lists. The method I use for my madness can drive some people insane, because it stresses them to see everything right there in print. I suspect that's because it's difficult for some people to operate on the concept of a fluid list meant for ongoing long term forward movement rather than a finite time zone of completion. I make those lists for organization, not for "Finish these immediately! (or even this quarter or year)". I set rotating short-term goals and organize my work time each week, and those are instrumental in keeping my mojo flowing while making forward movement on these lists here. So I consult these about once a month, update them with new stages of work or mark-thru's - but I don't let them rule my quilting life entirely nor stress me out. :D

  4. WTG hope you have a great time visiting. Good choice of bd - it was my grandmothers and she is responsible for my stitching addiction:-)
