with very little being done by me. Oh dear, I shall be hoping to get a lot better so there can be some progress made soon.
Had a most fabulous visit to Wellington for the 5th birthday of Marceline Moore. A schoolgirl now, oh my! Where has this last five years gone I wonder, with so many major changes. We managed to navigate the 29 steps up to Richard & Kea's house, twice I might add, lol, but it was maybe a bit much. Should have used the brain and had a bigger rest gap between trips, but I was too keen to be out and about with the birthday girl. All is good and on the way back now just a bit more slowly than thought, and so no stitching is going on. Darn.! Am working on a solution with a friend who is going to give me a bit of a hand with the bigger, heavier stuff. Yay.
Not much in the way of photos either folks, sorry about that, but haven't actually been anywhere to take them. I have done a little bit of cross stitch on a wee sampler I'm doing and enjoying too. Haven't cross stitched for years.
Thought I would join in the RSC at so scrappy with the first colour being my favourite - green. Now there are only five days of the month to go... not a good start at all, but really keen to move out some of these scrap fabrics.
This is from springtime and now it's all dried up and looking a little sad for itself in the heat. We have a week of temperatures of around 32 C at the moment. Too hot for me and my garden, so on goes the air conditioning.
Hoping to make a start with my friend helping on getting the sashing triangles stitched onto the mystery hexagon quilt that I did last year. Then I will put a small frame and final border onto it. Looking forward to it getting finished at last as was hoping it would have happened last year, but sometimes things don't work out to plan do they?
The colours are certainly quite beautiful and very different for me to work with. I have the recipient of this quilt all worked out and it is going to be a surprise. Love that.
Well, I don't have a lot more to add today, but wanted to let you know what was happening in my world. I may even get a beanie started this week as the urge is beginning to grow - a lovely friend gave me some gorgeous autumnal coloured wool, so that made the fingers itch a little bit.
Thanks for popping in and I shall try to have some more exciting news for you next time,. Take care and keep on stitching,
God bless and big hugs,
I'm linking with Cynthia of Oh! Scrap here lots of lovely eye candy
Saturday, 25 January 2020
Sunday, 29 December 2019
Scrapping thru to the next Decade....lots of photos
Well golly gosh, here we are once more at the end of another year, and this time it will also be the beginning of another decade. The mere thought of the year 2000 used to be such a far fetched fantasy, and yet now we are at the end of twenty years of this new millennium. Many things have happened, most of them lovely, a few bad, but life goes on, and God is always Good.
Here are a few last photos of various things and I have included some of my favourite quilts over the past decade. I hope you enjoy this little treat of photos.
If all else fails, knit a beanie. I have lost count of the number of hats I have made for my family and I do love making them. Hunting out some of the yummy hand dyed wool is half the fun. Thankfully they are still enjoyed by everyone. Keeps me out of mischief.
This year I decided not to hang up all the usual Christmas decorations and the tree as I didn't have enough energy for it. Instead I asked Kerry for a "stick" or two on the wall in our lounge for me to hang a few things on. This is what we ended up with and we have just loved it. Along the top are our Remembrance Christmas bells for those who are no longer with us, and then on the bottom row I chose some of my favourite ornaments to hang. It has been nice to be able to see them all at once, whereas on a tree you can only look at a part of the tree! Plus the bonus is the cats have ignored them!!!
What a tremendous achievement this was to get Danielle's quilt finished. I had started this while not well, so had to do some remaking, grrr, but it was worth it in the end to get a good finish.
This finish is my best of the Decade actually. I started to embroider this tray cloth when my eldest daughter was in her 10th year - 1982 to be precise. LOL. Needing only a small amount of crochet around the edges, the cloth languished in a chocolate box and was carted around the country as we moved! The year 2019 was it's crowning glory of becoming a finished object of admiration. It is now in Perth, Australia and said daughter Janeen loves it. That saying,....you know...." all good things come to those who wait...." Hehehe.
Hayley also finally received her finished quilt from Nana. These were a precious collection of fat quarters from a shop no longer in existence. They are really lovely together, and Hayley loves her quilt - thanks Hayley I hope you feel the hugs from Granddad and I when you snuggle under it.
On our way to the supermarket yesterday, we spotted this tree with the new pine cones out. They are the most loveliest shade of green before they dry out. Quite unusual to see these days in town.
I am really enjoying making the smaller baby quilts for our great grandchildren and other babies we meet along the way. Love using up scraps of pretty fabrics like this one for Nathalie. We were testing an embroidery machine in our wee shop so did a butterfly centre for it. It's actually now quilted and will have the binding stitched on over the next week or so. Also ready to baste Nathalie's new brother's quilt so they can both get them together.
Love this photo of some of our children and grandchildren, along with my sister, from Christmas 2018. Feel so blessed to have made it to Christmas 2019 and in such good shape, thank you Lord.
My dear sister Joy comes and visits me once a month and we do stitching together. We have a great time and it has brought us closer together since my ill health. We are supposed to be working on some quilt blocks each month, but we have had a little detour, lol. It will all come right in the end.
This quilt has now entered into the status of a WIP - work in progress. It has morphed from a pile of half yards into blocks and rows, hahaha. This is for Kea and I have had this fabric in the cupboard for a few years now. Nice easy pattern, so will not take long once I get my energy back. Looking forward to it now.
This is Suzy's quilt - a friend who lost everything in a house fire. It was made using Kaffe Fassett fabrics and a most simple pattern. The colours just resonate with sunshine and warmth.
This wee lap quilt goes back about 10-12 years I think when it became a finished centre. Then I decided to get it finished and found this lovely border fabric at our little local shop. Was perfect, and had just enough of the teal blue for the frame in my stash...love that, Gave it to my friend to practice her long arm quilting on and yay, it is now a finished quilt. That didn't take long did it?
Richard and Kea's new(ish) quilt
It was started quite some years ago then put away for a rest. Oh and one of the loveliest things was the way the whole family worked on it . Mum, Dad, son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter.
Shala's sunflower quilt. Oh I love this quilt so much. It was fun to make and brings nothing but sunshine thoughts to your mind when you look at it. It is full of awesome memories of my trip to America and meeting my friend Barbara and her quilting buddies as well as Jackie her daughter. I had a better photo but cant find it. Here is a link to the post with the good photos sunflower photo
A new photo of Travis among my Christmas gift plants. He thought he was missing out on something, LOL. Just as spoilt as ever of course
His big brother who is such a roamer. He goes to visit a lady (human) down the road and sometimes we don't see him again until night time when he demands more food. Typical cat.
Well I hope you didn't find this all too much. Thanks a heap if you hung in there and have read all the way down to here. I pray you have an awesome New Year and that you are blessed in ways you have never imagined before. Remember God is always Good and He can see the bigger picture. I keep forgetting that, lol.
Hugs Clare
I'm linking to Cynthia at Oh!Scrap here
Here are a few last photos of various things and I have included some of my favourite quilts over the past decade. I hope you enjoy this little treat of photos.
If all else fails, knit a beanie. I have lost count of the number of hats I have made for my family and I do love making them. Hunting out some of the yummy hand dyed wool is half the fun. Thankfully they are still enjoyed by everyone. Keeps me out of mischief.
This year I decided not to hang up all the usual Christmas decorations and the tree as I didn't have enough energy for it. Instead I asked Kerry for a "stick" or two on the wall in our lounge for me to hang a few things on. This is what we ended up with and we have just loved it. Along the top are our Remembrance Christmas bells for those who are no longer with us, and then on the bottom row I chose some of my favourite ornaments to hang. It has been nice to be able to see them all at once, whereas on a tree you can only look at a part of the tree! Plus the bonus is the cats have ignored them!!!
What a tremendous achievement this was to get Danielle's quilt finished. I had started this while not well, so had to do some remaking, grrr, but it was worth it in the end to get a good finish.
This finish is my best of the Decade actually. I started to embroider this tray cloth when my eldest daughter was in her 10th year - 1982 to be precise. LOL. Needing only a small amount of crochet around the edges, the cloth languished in a chocolate box and was carted around the country as we moved! The year 2019 was it's crowning glory of becoming a finished object of admiration. It is now in Perth, Australia and said daughter Janeen loves it. That saying,....you know...." all good things come to those who wait...." Hehehe.
Hayley also finally received her finished quilt from Nana. These were a precious collection of fat quarters from a shop no longer in existence. They are really lovely together, and Hayley loves her quilt - thanks Hayley I hope you feel the hugs from Granddad and I when you snuggle under it.
On our way to the supermarket yesterday, we spotted this tree with the new pine cones out. They are the most loveliest shade of green before they dry out. Quite unusual to see these days in town.
I am really enjoying making the smaller baby quilts for our great grandchildren and other babies we meet along the way. Love using up scraps of pretty fabrics like this one for Nathalie. We were testing an embroidery machine in our wee shop so did a butterfly centre for it. It's actually now quilted and will have the binding stitched on over the next week or so. Also ready to baste Nathalie's new brother's quilt so they can both get them together.
Love this photo of some of our children and grandchildren, along with my sister, from Christmas 2018. Feel so blessed to have made it to Christmas 2019 and in such good shape, thank you Lord.
My dear sister Joy comes and visits me once a month and we do stitching together. We have a great time and it has brought us closer together since my ill health. We are supposed to be working on some quilt blocks each month, but we have had a little detour, lol. It will all come right in the end.
This quilt has now entered into the status of a WIP - work in progress. It has morphed from a pile of half yards into blocks and rows, hahaha. This is for Kea and I have had this fabric in the cupboard for a few years now. Nice easy pattern, so will not take long once I get my energy back. Looking forward to it now.
This is Suzy's quilt - a friend who lost everything in a house fire. It was made using Kaffe Fassett fabrics and a most simple pattern. The colours just resonate with sunshine and warmth.
This wee lap quilt goes back about 10-12 years I think when it became a finished centre. Then I decided to get it finished and found this lovely border fabric at our little local shop. Was perfect, and had just enough of the teal blue for the frame in my stash...love that, Gave it to my friend to practice her long arm quilting on and yay, it is now a finished quilt. That didn't take long did it?
Richard and Kea's new(ish) quilt
It was started quite some years ago then put away for a rest. Oh and one of the loveliest things was the way the whole family worked on it . Mum, Dad, son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter.
Shala's sunflower quilt. Oh I love this quilt so much. It was fun to make and brings nothing but sunshine thoughts to your mind when you look at it. It is full of awesome memories of my trip to America and meeting my friend Barbara and her quilting buddies as well as Jackie her daughter. I had a better photo but cant find it. Here is a link to the post with the good photos sunflower photo
A new photo of Travis among my Christmas gift plants. He thought he was missing out on something, LOL. Just as spoilt as ever of course
His big brother who is such a roamer. He goes to visit a lady (human) down the road and sometimes we don't see him again until night time when he demands more food. Typical cat.
Well I hope you didn't find this all too much. Thanks a heap if you hung in there and have read all the way down to here. I pray you have an awesome New Year and that you are blessed in ways you have never imagined before. Remember God is always Good and He can see the bigger picture. I keep forgetting that, lol.
Hugs Clare
I'm linking to Cynthia at Oh!Scrap here
great granddaughter,
scrap quilts,
star wars,
Tyson cat,
Saturday, 7 December 2019
Christmas outing ...
Our Tuesdays girls had our yearly Christmas outing today. This time we headed west and went to Palmerston North, which is about 1 hour 40 mins from here. It's a bit longer these days because the gorge that you used to drive through has been closed for the last 18 months or so due to major slips. The cost of repairing it was too major and a new road is going to be developed. Unfortunately, it's going to take about another 6 years before that is completed!! We are way down on the list of priorities. This is the only access road from east to west within reasonable distance. In the meantime you have two options - the Saddle Road - steep, windy and hard work for the big trucks and is the most used one I think from north east traffic, and the windy, semi flatter one that goes from south east. We went over one way and back the other so did a complete circle, lol. That way we could manage to fit in at least two quilt shops.
On the quilting front, I have been plodding only, as still getting my speed back up from the chest infection - had to do another round of antibiotics, but never mind. I have finished quilting one of the baby quilts I made and bought some binding today to do the final installment. I had a lovely wee spend up this time - it is only once a year ladies! The excuse of Christmas that is, hehehe.
Most of these pieces I have in mind for small borders and binding on baby quilts. The charm pack will make a really lovely little baby quilt and I bought a lovely yellow/gold matching fabric to border and bind this one with. Sorry the photo is not very good but never mind. The dark fabrics along the top are Fq's for my eldest grandson's new "big person" quilt as his quilt was made when he was about 4 years old, lol.
The aqua/green FQ is for a skirt I am making for a granddaughter. Gosh, I had better get busy.
Catch you later everyone. Hope you are not finding the Christmas rush too overwhelming. Thanks for stopping by.
God bless,
I'm linking to Oh!Scrap here have a look at the gorgeous scrap quilt ideas.
On the quilting front, I have been plodding only, as still getting my speed back up from the chest infection - had to do another round of antibiotics, but never mind. I have finished quilting one of the baby quilts I made and bought some binding today to do the final installment. I had a lovely wee spend up this time - it is only once a year ladies! The excuse of Christmas that is, hehehe.
Most of these pieces I have in mind for small borders and binding on baby quilts. The charm pack will make a really lovely little baby quilt and I bought a lovely yellow/gold matching fabric to border and bind this one with. Sorry the photo is not very good but never mind. The dark fabrics along the top are Fq's for my eldest grandson's new "big person" quilt as his quilt was made when he was about 4 years old, lol.
The aqua/green FQ is for a skirt I am making for a granddaughter. Gosh, I had better get busy.
Catch you later everyone. Hope you are not finding the Christmas rush too overwhelming. Thanks for stopping by.
God bless,
I'm linking to Oh!Scrap here have a look at the gorgeous scrap quilt ideas.
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
Quilting this little quilt
Made this little one completely out of my leftovers from another baby quilt. It will be a donation quilt for the neonatal unit in one of our hospitals...not sure which one to send it to yet. Hoping to get another couple done before I send it off, It's good to be able to finish something quickly.
Managed to get some practice with my ruler foot on my domestic machine. Quite different action compared to my long arm machine I had to let go. Enjoying learning though, and the Janome 9450QCP is such a lovely machine to quilt with.
We had to have the approval of the quilt controller, of course. Travis takes this position very seriously.
I do love they different textures and patterns you get on the back of quilts with the different types of designs.
Very satisfying to add to the finished list.
Thank for popping in. I have kept this post short as still recovering from catching dear husband's bugs. A chest infection takes a bit of working through for me, but getting there now. Plodding through quilting one of the other baby quilts I finished last post.
Take care everyone. Hugs and blessings to you all.
Managed to get some practice with my ruler foot on my domestic machine. Quite different action compared to my long arm machine I had to let go. Enjoying learning though, and the Janome 9450QCP is such a lovely machine to quilt with.
We had to have the approval of the quilt controller, of course. Travis takes this position very seriously.
I do love they different textures and patterns you get on the back of quilts with the different types of designs.
Very satisfying to add to the finished list.
Thank for popping in. I have kept this post short as still recovering from catching dear husband's bugs. A chest infection takes a bit of working through for me, but getting there now. Plodding through quilting one of the other baby quilts I finished last post.
Take care everyone. Hugs and blessings to you all.
Tuesday, 5 November 2019
Next quilt on the list please....
I'm trying to keep this roll going after the Sunflower quilt. I managed to put two baby quilts together for Shala's newest grandchildren and enjoyed making something that was small and simple. The little pink quilt has an embroidered centre that I did while re-familiarising myself with the Janome MC500e Embroidery machine. It was totally from my stash. The boy's quilt is a little range of fabric I fell in love with in a quilt shop after Lucas was born. Couldn't resist of course.
Now I have Kea's Star Wars quilt up on my design wall. I'm using an incredibly simple pattern that was loaned to me called Bricks & Mortar by Red Mumma. Its perfect for this collection of fabrics that I bought a few years ago. Kea loves Star Wars if you haven't already guessed LOL.
Then I have a few photos of our spring garden. Loving seeing all the bearded Irises and Granny Bonnets coming out. Cant believe how tall my Granny Bonnets are - I'm assuming that's what everyone calls them - real name Aquilegia ? I see from a quick peek on Mr Google that they are also known as Columbines. Whatever you call them, I love them and some of mine are almost a metre (39 inches) tall this year.
That's all the talk this time and thanks for visiting me.
So there you have it. A reasonably short blog for me I have to say. I hope you manage to get in a lot more sewing in the weeks ahead with the Christmas rush already gaining steam. It's the one thing I intensely dislike about Christmas - Jesus is the reason as they say. But the commercialism of this season has become almost deafening (excuse my oxymoron). The pressure that is put on families that are already struggling is huge when the main message is one of love. I hope you manage to have a stress-free up to this celebration of all that is good and loving.
Well I did manage to chat on a bit more - it's a bit of a habit of mine lol. I think I find it difficult to get off my soapbox which seems to be permanently fixed to my feet!!! I wonder if it's because I'm so short, hehehe.
Oh dear, this time lovely people, I'm definitely signing off.
May you all be greatly blessed and hugged lots.
I'm linking to Oh!Scrap here lovely eye candy and scrap busting quilts.
Now I have Kea's Star Wars quilt up on my design wall. I'm using an incredibly simple pattern that was loaned to me called Bricks & Mortar by Red Mumma. Its perfect for this collection of fabrics that I bought a few years ago. Kea loves Star Wars if you haven't already guessed LOL.
Then I have a few photos of our spring garden. Loving seeing all the bearded Irises and Granny Bonnets coming out. Cant believe how tall my Granny Bonnets are - I'm assuming that's what everyone calls them - real name Aquilegia ? I see from a quick peek on Mr Google that they are also known as Columbines. Whatever you call them, I love them and some of mine are almost a metre (39 inches) tall this year.
That's all the talk this time and thanks for visiting me.
So there you have it. A reasonably short blog for me I have to say. I hope you manage to get in a lot more sewing in the weeks ahead with the Christmas rush already gaining steam. It's the one thing I intensely dislike about Christmas - Jesus is the reason as they say. But the commercialism of this season has become almost deafening (excuse my oxymoron). The pressure that is put on families that are already struggling is huge when the main message is one of love. I hope you manage to have a stress-free up to this celebration of all that is good and loving.
Well I did manage to chat on a bit more - it's a bit of a habit of mine lol. I think I find it difficult to get off my soapbox which seems to be permanently fixed to my feet!!! I wonder if it's because I'm so short, hehehe.
Oh dear, this time lovely people, I'm definitely signing off.
May you all be greatly blessed and hugged lots.
I'm linking to Oh!Scrap here lovely eye candy and scrap busting quilts.
great granddaughter,
star wars,
Sunday, 13 October 2019
Let the Sunflowers shine...
Way back in September 2011, I visited my online quilting friend in small town Kansas - Parsons to be exact. It was a very special time for me and I so enjoyed meeting Barbara and her daughter Jackie. Because of Parsons geographical position, it was easy to visit four states within a couple of hours - it sits near the crossroads of Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas and Kansas. Such fun!
While I was there, Barbara asked me to give a talk to her local guild, then it became a few of the little outlying guilds until we ended up with 70 plus people. It was a lovely evening of showing off our fabulous New Zealand with an awesome DVD of Central Hawkes Bay and other lovely stuff. At the end of the evening, the President was thanking me and out came this positively massive bag of fabric!! Unbeknownst to me, the entry fee was a fat quarter of fabric. Oh my, I got all sorts of amazing fabric gifted to me and some pieces were way more generous. Most of it had to be posted home as we couldn't fit it all in my bag!!
The reason I have told you this big long story is that I had around 17 different sunflower fabrics in this amazing collection that I had not really touched in the last 8 years. However, my (step) daughter was going to turn 50 last month, and I had asked her a year or three before if she would like a quilt. As Shala is a very good sewist and has made a few quilts herself, I hadn't got around to asking. The answer was an emphatic Yes! Then it turned out that she loves sunflowers! Oh yes again!! Out came my stash and Shala chose basically all the fabric that had sunflowers on it. Well Shala's 50th birthday was looming up and I decided about July that I would have a go at getting it ready as her birthday gift for when she came down on 29th September to celebrate with us.
Here you go with a couple of photos and I am smiling so much you wouldn't believe it.
This is one of the two large blocks in the quilt. It's a beautiful piece of fabric and the sunflowers just glow.
All the fabrics have come out of my stash, so this quilt managed to make a little bit a reduction, Yay,

I was determined not to put any fabric back in my stash, so used all the large pieces left to make up the back. It actually came out really well,
Here is Shala with her quilt. It was very windy so the quilt would not co operate with laying flat. Never mind. I actually managed to quilt it myself as well, My awesome Tuesday girls pin basted it for me and I did an all over meander on it using a lovely So Fine mustard gold that blended beautifully with all the colours of the quilt. Looked good as it didn't need anything fancy as the sunflowers were the stars, and then my fabulous Tuesday girls helped again with stitch down the back of the binding,
I can't tell you how amazing getting this quilt finished on time made me feel, as I do have a bit of a struggle with my health issues. But God was so good to me and gave me the strength and tenacity to keep on and achieve something so filled with love for this very precious member of our family.
Now onto the next quilt...
Thank you for sharing my joy of this quilt and I'll look forward to showing you my next achievements. I hope you are all having a great time with your quilting and your families.
Many hug and blessings to you all,
linking with Oh! Scrap here
While I was there, Barbara asked me to give a talk to her local guild, then it became a few of the little outlying guilds until we ended up with 70 plus people. It was a lovely evening of showing off our fabulous New Zealand with an awesome DVD of Central Hawkes Bay and other lovely stuff. At the end of the evening, the President was thanking me and out came this positively massive bag of fabric!! Unbeknownst to me, the entry fee was a fat quarter of fabric. Oh my, I got all sorts of amazing fabric gifted to me and some pieces were way more generous. Most of it had to be posted home as we couldn't fit it all in my bag!!
The reason I have told you this big long story is that I had around 17 different sunflower fabrics in this amazing collection that I had not really touched in the last 8 years. However, my (step) daughter was going to turn 50 last month, and I had asked her a year or three before if she would like a quilt. As Shala is a very good sewist and has made a few quilts herself, I hadn't got around to asking. The answer was an emphatic Yes! Then it turned out that she loves sunflowers! Oh yes again!! Out came my stash and Shala chose basically all the fabric that had sunflowers on it. Well Shala's 50th birthday was looming up and I decided about July that I would have a go at getting it ready as her birthday gift for when she came down on 29th September to celebrate with us.
Here you go with a couple of photos and I am smiling so much you wouldn't believe it.
This is one of the two large blocks in the quilt. It's a beautiful piece of fabric and the sunflowers just glow.
All the fabrics have come out of my stash, so this quilt managed to make a little bit a reduction, Yay,

I was determined not to put any fabric back in my stash, so used all the large pieces left to make up the back. It actually came out really well,
Here is Shala with her quilt. It was very windy so the quilt would not co operate with laying flat. Never mind. I actually managed to quilt it myself as well, My awesome Tuesday girls pin basted it for me and I did an all over meander on it using a lovely So Fine mustard gold that blended beautifully with all the colours of the quilt. Looked good as it didn't need anything fancy as the sunflowers were the stars, and then my fabulous Tuesday girls helped again with stitch down the back of the binding,
I can't tell you how amazing getting this quilt finished on time made me feel, as I do have a bit of a struggle with my health issues. But God was so good to me and gave me the strength and tenacity to keep on and achieve something so filled with love for this very precious member of our family.
Now onto the next quilt...
Thank you for sharing my joy of this quilt and I'll look forward to showing you my next achievements. I hope you are all having a great time with your quilting and your families.
Many hug and blessings to you all,
linking with Oh! Scrap here
Thursday, 15 August 2019
It's officially finished!! lots of photos
I said to myself - I'm not posting again until Danielle's quilt is finished because you would all be sick of getting updates showing so little progress. Well, it is done and dusted and as I type it is winging its way up to Danielle in Te Awamutu. Our youngest son and his family are going up to visit his siblings up that way, so he is loaded down with the quilt and five beanies for delivery!!!
I'm sure most of you think I have fallen off the planet as I didn't realise it had been quite so long since I last posted. Hmmm, been busy stitching and hanging on to my health. But enough of that, I have a few photos to share and I hope you enjoy them.
The Beanie production line, lol.
I did have five of them, but the yellow one ended up being given to a dear friend and I am knitting another one for that dear DIL.
Love that my family like to wear them and that it is something else I can make when I'm not up to quilting.
The finished quilt for Danielle. I am so very pleased with how it has come out. My dear friend Catherine made a fantastic job of quilting it for me with an edge to edge pattern that let the colours speak for themselves.
It is sideways in the photos as it was too long to hold up length-ways and the grounds was still wet from the big frost we had this morning.
I found this fantastic extra wide backing fabric at Counting Stitches in Hastings., It was the absolute perfect match for this quilt.
This shows a little more of the dark and light in the quilt and the flowers in my late winter garden. The bees have been making the most of the wall flowers that seem to flower for ever and smell beautiful.
This is my incredible UFO finish. I started this embroidery cloth when my eldest daughter was 10. She received it at the beginning of June and Janeen is now 47 years old!!!! only too 37 years to complete. The most embarrassing thing is it only needed a few inches of the crochet edging to be finished for most of the last 10 years or so. Hehehe
Oh well, a finish is a finish and that is one less thing in the UFO cupboard. Yay
My mystery blocks up until May. Had been enjoying them but had some troubles with June/July blocks and not sure what is causing it. These blocks come pre-cut and I think there may be some small discrepancies in cutting. Not ruling out operator error though. Lol
A small baby quilt to be sent to the preemie babies unit. I used some left over strips from another quilt I had made and added a top and bottom border to make it to size. Totally from my stash - yippee. Halfway through the quilting of it and hope to finish off over the weekend,
Finally, a parade of elephants from the Tuesday Girls. These animals are so beautiful I am almost tempted to start one, But I have not finished enough UFO's yet and need a project like this like I need another whole in my head. Hehehe.
One day, as most of us quilters say about those projects on our wish lists.
I hope you have enjoyed your catch up. I am currently working mostly on a sunflower quilt for our eldest daughter. Not sure how long that's going to take but here's hoping not as long as Danielle's seemed to take.
Our weather is supposed to be quite horrible over the weekend and it has already become quite cold. Big snow falls down in the South Island and we do have snow up on our ranges. This is why we have had two boomer frosts. Rain however is forecast and we actually have not had very much rain at all and it would be most welcome. It is also an excellent reason for being in your quilting room!!
Bye for now and take care. May you feel blessed in you have and do.
I'm linking to Cynthia at Oh! Scrap
and Sarah at Confessions of a Scrap Addict. Click here to visit Sarah. It's worth the visit.
I'm sure most of you think I have fallen off the planet as I didn't realise it had been quite so long since I last posted. Hmmm, been busy stitching and hanging on to my health. But enough of that, I have a few photos to share and I hope you enjoy them.
The Beanie production line, lol.
I did have five of them, but the yellow one ended up being given to a dear friend and I am knitting another one for that dear DIL.
Love that my family like to wear them and that it is something else I can make when I'm not up to quilting.
The finished quilt for Danielle. I am so very pleased with how it has come out. My dear friend Catherine made a fantastic job of quilting it for me with an edge to edge pattern that let the colours speak for themselves.
It is sideways in the photos as it was too long to hold up length-ways and the grounds was still wet from the big frost we had this morning.
I found this fantastic extra wide backing fabric at Counting Stitches in Hastings., It was the absolute perfect match for this quilt.
This shows a little more of the dark and light in the quilt and the flowers in my late winter garden. The bees have been making the most of the wall flowers that seem to flower for ever and smell beautiful.
This is my incredible UFO finish. I started this embroidery cloth when my eldest daughter was 10. She received it at the beginning of June and Janeen is now 47 years old!!!! only too 37 years to complete. The most embarrassing thing is it only needed a few inches of the crochet edging to be finished for most of the last 10 years or so. Hehehe
Oh well, a finish is a finish and that is one less thing in the UFO cupboard. Yay
My mystery blocks up until May. Had been enjoying them but had some troubles with June/July blocks and not sure what is causing it. These blocks come pre-cut and I think there may be some small discrepancies in cutting. Not ruling out operator error though. Lol
A small baby quilt to be sent to the preemie babies unit. I used some left over strips from another quilt I had made and added a top and bottom border to make it to size. Totally from my stash - yippee. Halfway through the quilting of it and hope to finish off over the weekend,
Finally, a parade of elephants from the Tuesday Girls. These animals are so beautiful I am almost tempted to start one, But I have not finished enough UFO's yet and need a project like this like I need another whole in my head. Hehehe.
One day, as most of us quilters say about those projects on our wish lists.
I hope you have enjoyed your catch up. I am currently working mostly on a sunflower quilt for our eldest daughter. Not sure how long that's going to take but here's hoping not as long as Danielle's seemed to take.
Our weather is supposed to be quite horrible over the weekend and it has already become quite cold. Big snow falls down in the South Island and we do have snow up on our ranges. This is why we have had two boomer frosts. Rain however is forecast and we actually have not had very much rain at all and it would be most welcome. It is also an excellent reason for being in your quilting room!!
Bye for now and take care. May you feel blessed in you have and do.
I'm linking to Cynthia at Oh! Scrap
and Sarah at Confessions of a Scrap Addict. Click here to visit Sarah. It's worth the visit.
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